We were really blessed with splendid weather for this outing. About 24 people arrived and we were lucky enough to have 3 Kirstenbosch guides with us, so we had bird and plant ID’s covered for our group.
The highlight of the day was a sighting of an Olive Woodpecker, noticed by Anita as it flew into a tree. This sighting resulted in several lifers, as did the presence of the Bronze Mannikins at their personal little pond.
We also saw 2 different nesting owls (the owl at the rocks has been protected behind a barrier), and a combination of all the usual suspects. We heard a Klaas’s Cuckoo, but did not manage to track it down.
All in all we saw 26 species and heard 3 species.
I really enjoyed this outing together with Myburgh Brink as the walk leaders.
photographs by Daryl de Beer.
Daryl de Beer.