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Mouse-Free Marion Project

You will see from the certificate of appreciation that CBC has donated R10 000 from our funds to this very worthwhile cause called the “Mouse-free Marion Project”.  The eradication of the mice will save so many seabirds from a horrible death.

Read all about it on the website www.mousefreemarion.org

You may wish to donate individually – it costs R1000 to sponsor a hectare.  You can do that online at the above website. If you want to give, but not quite that much, you can also deposit the money into the CBC account and we will collect the donations and buy new hectares in the name of the CBC when we reach R1000, R2000 or R3000 etc.  These are our banking details:

Cape Bird Club
Acct number:  1046380400
Reference:  write Marion and your Surname


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