Cape Bird Club Join Now




A brief history of the Club.


  • The South African Ornithological Society (SAOS) was formed in 1930 and had members all over South Africa.
  • For many years there were no regional branches or bird clubs.
  • In the late 1940’s members on the Witwatersrand and around Cape Town got together and decided to form local clubs.
  • The first was the Witwatersrand Bird Club with the Cape Bird Club following a few months later in May 1948.
  • The Cape Bird Club became the first branch of the SAOS on 17th March 1950.
  • In 1996 SAOS changed its name to BirdLife South Africa (BLSA). It is the leading bird conservation non-profit organisation in South Africa.
  • The Cape Bird Club has a membership in excess of 700 members of which most are also direct members of BLSA.
  • The Cape Bird Club is currently the largest affiliated club of BirdLife South Africa.
  • BirdLife South Africa is affiliated to BirdLife International which is the largest international conservation non-profit organisation.
  • All Western Cape bird clubs affiliated to BirdLife South Africa are represented on the Western Cape Birding Forum (WCBF) which provides a communication channel between clubs and BirdLife South Africa. It also provides for joint conservation initiatives by these clubs.
  • The Cape Bird Club has the longest and most active history of nature conservation of any bird club in South Africa.


Read the documents below for more information.

  • Follow the activities of Club members in the early News Sheets and News Letters started as a communication document by Club members in 1950. These documents evolved into the current Promerops magazine.
  • Read the celebration special edition magazine on the 50th Anniversary of the Club, written and compiled by Jo Hobbs in 1998.
  • See the Club activities in the Diamond Anniversary year of 2008.

Historical documents and milestones of our Club.

News Sheets and News Letters.


CBC Diamond Anniversary 2008.