Strandfontein Rare Birds by Michael Mason
I just thought I would share a short trip report and some gen to hopefully encourage the few birders who haven’t yet ventured out to Strandfontein Sewage Works before. I’ve highlighted the potential special interest birds. I visited the area again this morning...
Rare Bird Report: Rufous-Tailed Scrub Robin
In a report on the SA Rare Bird News Forum on 17 July 2016, Trevor Hardaker announced that a Rufous-Tailed Scrub Robin (Cercotrichas galactotes) had been seen by Peter Steyn and Andre Demblon near the Zeekoevlei picnic area along the entrance road to the...
Is this a Little Stint?
Seen at Kliphoek Saltpans, Berg River, January 2016. Overall gizz of this bird looked ‘odd’ for a Little Stint. Longer, slightly decurved bill, long wing projection. We started to think maybe Western Sandpiper… That would be a first for southern Africa! Assessment from experts...