Working on the breeding bank. Photo by Joy Fish
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Update on Breeding Banks at Strandfontein

It would seem that our 2 artificial breeding banks at Strandfontein Sewerage Works  have not enticed the birds to nest in them as yet.  On the positive side,  the plants on the top of each ‘bank’  have flourished and the banks  merge into the surrounds very well.  A small group of us went to SSW this week to refill some of the holes  using sand and cement in some,  and a rose bush soil mix in others (soil with a clay content).  The bank near the tern picnic site had signs of birds having been around  and so we left that one as it was.   We met up with new staff at SSW responsible for conservation  –  Shihabuddeen Khan is the Reserve supervisor for the whole of the False Bay Nature Reserve  and  the intern Kholiseka Mabuya who is a CPUT student in her 3rd year of a nature conservation diploma.  They will keep an eye on the banks,  but members please also report any activity (bird or other!)  Thanks.


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