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Youth – Junior Club Outing to Rondevlei – 18th October 2021.

On Saturday the 16th October, the Cape Bird Club organised an outing to Rondevlei for younger members.

We met at 9 a.m. at the tearoom and spent the next two hours birding at this wonderful getaway in the middle of the city, whilst trying to dodge frequent showers and the occasional downpour. The weather did not dampen our spirits, and a total of 54 species was recorded.
A colourful start was a brief sighting of a Malachite Kingfisher and three African Swamphens from the tearoom. A White-throated Swallow offered photographers a lovely shot, perched on a dead branch in the water, above a spider’s web. It sang heartily as it rained.
A Namaqua Dove was spotted walking along the path by two junior members and then later seen by Barry as well. Oliver was lucky enough to spot the African Jacana at the last hide but, unfortunately, by the time most of the group got there, it had disappeared. Zoe spotted two or three interesting terns, which she also photographed, but they could not be conclusively identified.
Among others, a Pin-tailed Whydah, an African Fish Eagle, a Common Moorhen (with her chicks), two pairs of Southern Pochard, Spur-winged Goose, Purple Heron, Little Egret, Great White Pelican, the ubiquitous Red-knobbed Coots and Great Crested Grebe were seen.
At the end, small prizes were given to the team with the highest tally. Bird pins and checklists were also awarded to individuals, including Alexi, who had added the most species to his life list and had been a valuable member of his team.
A lovely morning was enjoyed, new acquaintances were made, and good teamwork added to the fun. Many thanks to Penny for persevering and putting it all together, and to Priscilla and Linda for braving the rain.


photographs by Penny Dichmont and Zoe Lunau-Johns.

report by Alex Michell and Oliver Main.



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