Slowly the people come along to the starting area. There were 2 shows of Zibi and it was running a little over the planned time, never mind, it carried an important message.
Vernon Head, the Chairman of BirdLife South Africa and also the Cape Bird Club, welcoming everybody to the start of the first Family Fun Walk.
He said this Strandfontein Birding Area is a listed IBA (Important Bird Area) and asked everyone to stop at the tables along the 3 routes and fill in the answers to the questions on their forms. When they finish back here, to put the forms in the boxes and get their blue sticker.
He wished them to have fun.
An unofficial guess maybe 175 – 200 people were participating.
There were 5 information tables along the route where the participants received different information for their ansers to fill in the forms.
The end of the walk and all the forms went into the white boxes for the lucky draw. Everyone who handed in an answer sheet got a blue sticker (indicating they had completed the walk) and could have a free lunch.
“A free lunch, there is no such thing”. But there was!