Outing to the Majik Forest, Durbanville.
07 May 2024.
Leader Kevin Drummond Hay.
A small group of seven of us met at the Majik forest in Durbanville. The predicted wet, cold weather possibly deterred some people, but we had a pleasant morning’s birding with no rain!
Kevin Drummond-Hay, our leader, is very knowledgeable about the Forest, its history and the many birds. Kevin recorded 39 species seen during the morning, a few of which he saw before most of us arrived for the walk.
The list included a pair of Malachite Sunbirds, Southern Double-collared Sunbirds, African Black Ducks, Black-crowned Night Heron, White-backed Mousebirds and a Giant Kingfisher which caused much excitement as Kevin hadn’t seen one at the Forest for a long period. Raptors were absent, except an African Goshawk which showed briefly while we were chatting over coffee at the end of the walk.
Majik Forest is a very pleasant place to visit. There is shade in the forest area and large tracts of open areas next to the dams and in the arboretum area. The trails are easy walking. Kevin has a list of 94 species he has accumulated in the Majik Forest over the years!
Thank you, Kevin.
Photograph by Dennis Laidler.
Report by Gillian Matthews.