Paarl Bird Sanctuary Counts in 2016.
A working partnership with the Drakenstein Municipality and the Cape Bird Club.
Monthly bird counts take place, on the last Saturday morning in the month.
Yvonne Weiss has now retired from managing these counts, she has been in charge for the past 26 years and never missing a count!
Anyone interested in helping can now contact Gilbert Reinhardt at 079 130 7876 for details of starting time and meeting place.
by John Fincham and Jo Hobbs.

December 2016.
This morning 15 people participated in the monthly CWAC at PBS, which has been running for almost 21 years led by Yvonne Weiss.
There was a strong south easter blowing which forced most birds to take cover, so the overall count was low.
Spoonbills are not always around at PBS so 2 probing in a puddle were photographed. Grey-headed Gulls are a feature of PBS and the photo shows important ID features. A Jackal Buzzard was struggling to hold his/her position in the wind. Last year they nested close by so we are hoping they do so again this year.

The people in the photo on Yvonne Weiss’s birthday are from
L to R are: Lourens de Bruyn, Abraham Retief, Rita Meyer, Yvonne Weiss, Tertia Retief, BJ Scott, Sharon Montgomery, Jo Hobbs and Pikkie Rousseau.
The September 2014 bird count at Paarl Bird Sanctuary took place in mild sunny weather without a breath of wind.
The team enjoyed an excellent morning’s birding, with over 500 Greater Flamingos counted. The sighting of a pair of White-backed Ducks with 4 ducklings was a particular highlight. Also seen were several White-faced Ducks, six Glossy Ibis and two African Rails, among all the usual birds to be expected. The water lettuce infestation has almost completely cleared and Pan C is again full of waterbirds including 46 Maccoa Ducks. The heronry on Pan D is busy with nesting cormorants, herons and egrets. The vandalized bird hides will not be replaced, but instead viewing areas will be constructed where visitors can watch the birds from their cars.
August 2016.
This morning was sunny and warm at PBS for the monthly bird count.
According to birds it is spring and time for breeding and the return of migrants.
A White-throated Swallow was basking in the sun after returning from central Africa, and Hartlaub’s Gulls and Cape Shovelers are incubating eggs).
A lot of Greater Flamingos are still present and there were more than 50 Maccoa ducks on C pan.
Damage to the Yvonne Weiss Viewing Platform has been repaired.
July 2016.
Saturday 23 July 2016 at Paarl Bird Sanctuary was bright and sunny after rain the previous day, and the birds appeared to enjoy it. The Grey-headed and Hartlaub’s Gulls have got chicks and eggs. There were Hottentot Teal, White-faced Duck and White-backed Duck. A pair of Black Crake were being affectionate and the African Jacana was a bonus, photographed by Benjamin Meyer. The White-breasted Cormorants are breeding too.
The toilets at the Yvonne Weiss viewing platform have been repaired and the 360 deg vista from the top is great.
The aloes are flowering spectacularly with a photograph by Benjamin Meyer.
The Black Crake are showing signs of wanting to breed.
June 2016.
At the count on Saturday 25 June 2016. The birds were spectacular.
May 2016.
Saturday 28 May 2016 was sunny and warm at Paarl Bird Sanctuary, and the birds were magnificent.
There are still hundreds of flamingos.
March 2016.
At the count on Saturday 19 March 2016. The birds were really great.
Greater & Lesser Flamingoes, Fulvous Duck, Hottentot Teal, African Hoopoe, African Black Duck, White-faced Duck.
PS: It should have been mentioned that there were at least 12 African Snipe in the reeds in E2 pan that are alongside the berm with E3. They are difficult to photograph because they stay hidden until flushed, and then fly fast!
January 2016.
These photos illustrate the invasive vegetation clearing seen during the January count, taking place along the nearby Berg River.
Clearing the Berg River banks of the invasive vegetation near the sewerage works. The large trees trunks have to be removed with purpose made lifting machinery.