Save the Birds of Princessvlei
– 11 May 2018.

This is a working partnership with the CBC and the Princessvlei Forum.
11 May 2018 – CBC members Gillian Barnes and Priscilla Beeton helped with the Searching for the Birds at Princessvlei 2018.
The visitors, were from Levana, Steenberg, Floreat, Harmony and John Graham Primary schools (yes, they are still there in 3018!), had come on a rescue mission.
They reported that there were no birds in the year 3018, but they had discovered images and old movies showing birds. They wanted to know more about them, and to warn residents of the present day to take steps to make sure that there would be birds in the future.
They were guided by a Spirit Guide, who told them what Princess Vlei used to be like many years in the past, when the only human residents were Khoi groups who lived in harmony with nature and did not destroy it. Two Bird Guardians from the 2018 Cape Bird Club, Gillian Barnes and Priscilla Beeton were there to lead the visitors with binoculars for the groups and tell them more about the birds. Brendon Bussy, the Chief Time Lord, and other Time Lords ensured that our visitors returned to their time travelling ship in time and did not get stuck in 2018. The visitors wore face masks so that they did not infect the birds and plants with viruses from 3018.
Photograph by Bridget Pitt.
An extract from the report by Bridget Pitt. See the report here.