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Youth – Floreat Primary Environmental Club News 20 – 21 August 2024. By Jana Kemp.

The Floreat Environmental Club tried something new last month with a two-day workshop on August 20th and 21st.

We taught the children about endangered animals and the importance of conservation. Afterwards, they worked in groups to create educational posters about South African birds that are either endangered or have unique conservation stories. The birds included the White-backed Vulture, Black Harrier, Blue Crane, Cape Parrot, Blue Swallow, Secretarybird, and African Penguin.

A special thanks to the UCT students who contributed by making short educational videos that the children used as research for their posters. These posters are now on display at the school, and the older students will be visiting the foundation phase classes to share what they’ve learned about these birds and the importance of their conservation.

Photographs by Kristi Rossouw and Jana Kemp.

Report by Jana Kemp.



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