Minutes of the 72nd Annual General Meeting of the Cape Bird Club held via Zoom on 30 April 2020
Mike Buckham set up the meeting on Zoom and introduced members on how to use it
Meeting Chair: Priscilla Beeton
Meeting Secretary: Barbara Jones
Register of Members Present: A total of 54 members registered their attendance and a quorum (40) was declared.
Apologies: Priscilla advised members to register apologies in the chat room: Lorna Phillips, Barbara Currin, Stella Fogarty
- Welcome:
The Chairperson welcomed everyone to the 72ndAGM of the CBC. She thanked Mike Buckham for helping to set the meeting up and all those who were present online, who were attending in these trying times of Covid 19. She encouraged those members present who were using ZOOM to encourage other members to familiarise themselves with it to attend the virtual CBC meetings this year.
- Confirmation of Minutes:
The Minutes of the AGM dated 19 March 2019 were accepted. Proposed by Kaye Foskett and seconded by Dave Whitelaw.
- Matters Arising:
There were no other matters arising.
- Chairperson’s Report:
The chairperson’s report had been circulated in the CBC newsletter and website well prior to the AGM. Proposed Mel Tripp, seconded by Fiona and Darryl de Beer.
- Financial Report
Joy Fish presented the Treasurers report. She reported that the club’s financial situation is good, with a very healthy balance of funds in the bank. We have a Sustainability Fund, a Conservation Fund and a Capital Replacement Fund, the latter of which is to replace capital items when we need to, and in lieu of insurance. Our annual gross revenue isdown from 2019, mainly because of slightly reduced membership (57 fewer) and donations, although membership fluctuates from year to year and is not a cause for concern. Our income on courses is also reduced, but our goal is to break even for camps and courses. Some of our courses are extremely well attended and these generate a bigger profit.
In terms of expenditure, we have made donations to Claremont High School Bird Club for their camping trip and to rescuing flamingo chick from Kamfers Dam during the drought. Our total expenditure is down from the previous year, and we have therefore turned a profit.
Mary Debrick was thanked for continuing to assist Joy as Treasurer so ably and keeping such meticulous financial records.Paul Slack from Fasttrac auditors was thanked for conducting the audit.
It was proposed that we appoint Paul Slack as an auditor again: Proposed: Gillian Barnes, Seconded: Dave Whitelaw
The Financial report was adopted by the meeting. Proposer: Kaye Foskett, Seconded: L. McIntosh
- Promerops Awards:
Mike Buckham read the citations for Promerops Awards as Priscilla’s microphone was crackling and the sound was too poor. The following members were cited for their extraordinary service to the CBC:
Judith Crosswell
Mary Debrick
Simon Fogarty
Cheryl Leslie
- Election of new committee.
Three committee members have resigned because of other demands on their time:Barbara Jones, Cheryl Leslie, Vince Ward
New Nominations: Mike Buckham and Khanyisane Falake had accepted nomination.
Nominations of previous committee members: Priscilla Beeton, Johan Schlebusch, Dave Whitelaw, Joy Fish, Linda Merrett and Gillian Barnes had accepted their nominations.The meeting unanimously approved the appointment of the nominated members to the CBC Committee for 2020.
Johan thanked Priscilla for her incredible service to the CBC and the hard work she puts into her role. We are very fortunate to have her as chairperson
It was noted that the meeting had been recorded and that there was a record of attendance. There was no further business and the AGM was declared closed at 19.40
Record of attendance:
Priscilla Beeton, Johan Schlebusch, Dave Whitelaw, Joy Fish, Linda Merrett, Gillian Barnes, Cheryl Leslie, Barbara and Martin Jones, Mike Buckham, KhanyisaneFalake, Mel Tripp, Earl and Helen Fenwick, Darryl and Lynette de Beer, George Hendrikse, Felicity Ellmore, Anne and Gavin Greig, MelodieHerstlet and Colin Attwell, Ken Buchanan & Marilyn Buchanan, Karin Wilson, Duke and Marilyn Metcalf, Penny Le Mesurier, Peter and Nikki Nupen, Simon Fogarty, Kaye Foskett and Fazlyn Fester, Fiona Jones, Paddy and Beryl Riley, Dieter Oschadleus, John Fincham& Jo Hobbs, Marje& Jonathan Hemp, Brian &DaleneVanderwalt, Linda McIntosh, Hayley McIntosh, Ann Baumann, Rosemary Nathan, Joel Radue, Marilyn Hoole, Heather Howell, Penelope (no surname), Gigi, Ken Buchanan, Vic Smith.