Paarl Bird Sanctuary Counts in 2015.

A working partnership with the Drakenstein Municipality and the Cape Bird Club.

Monthly bird counts take place, on the last Saturday morning in the month.
Anyone interested in helping can contact Yvonne Weiss at 021 872 4972 for details of starting time and meeting place.

 by John Fincham and Jo Hobbs.

June 2015.

The June count (CWAC) took place this morning.

At the same time the CBC ringing unit was in action led by Felicity Ellmore.

April 2015.

John Fincham reports “There were a group of 17 White-faced Duck seen today 18/04/2015 and these Fulvous Duck were also present”.

March 2015.

Jo Hobbs reports “All 3 Kingfishers were seen – Giant, Malachite and Pied. The Pied Kingfisher hasn’t been recorded for several years, so this was great and of course the Giant is only a very occasional visitor.

The flamingoes have moved on, but the scores of White-winged Terns put on a good show and are looking very smart in their pre-migration plumage. The Water Lettuce has been sprayed at last and we hope all the pans will have open water shortly”.

February 2015.

At the count today 28th February there were plenty of birds to be seen, reports John Fincham.

January 2015.

The monthly count took place today 24 January and these are a few photos taken by John Fincham.
Several of the pans were very badly infested with Water Lettuce, almost wall-to-wall green. However, good counts of Greater Flamingo, and reports of Hottentot Teal, White-faced Ducks (with ducklings), Fulvous Duck, Black Duck and an unusually largee count of Cattle Egret on one pan that is being drained and was almost empty.