Outing to Zandvlei Nature Reserve
21 March 2002 – by Gavin Lawson.

The weather was kind it was a beautiful sunny day with little wind on the Sunday 21 March 2002 outing for 22 CBC members at Zandvlei Nature Reserve. Bruce MacKenzie the leader for today, asked me to come along and take some photos.
The “Zandvlei Fish Eagles” were present and everyone got a good view of them. The waders and swallows were still present. We saw the 3 kingfishers – Giant, Pied and Malachite. The Little Bittern was also seen.
The tumble weed (Brunsvigia orientalis) and the April Fools flower or Paint brush flower (Haemanthus sanguineus) were in bloom and also Rain spiders nests were dotted around in shrubs along the pathways.
We saw a total of 59 species of birds today.
photographs by Gavin Lawson and Greg Morgan.
Gavin Lawson.