Outing to the Grootboskloof Trail, Constantia.
06 December 2022 – Led by Daryl de Beer.
The weather was warm and wind free on 06 December, perfect for a wander along the Grootboschkloof Trail.
This typical Constantia greenbelt trail offers a very comfortable meander along a wetland with tall trees and grasses providing different habitats for our feathered friends.
We had exceptionally good sightings of Forest Buzzards soaring overhead and later we found them in tall trees, whereupon they became agitated with our presence. We speculated there might be nest nearby, but 13 pairs of eyes could not find it.
A male Paradise Flycatcher gave an impressive display in the dappled light cast by the high canopy of leaves in some tall trees. This captured our attention for some time.
Common and Swee Waxbills, always a welcome sight, were seen in the grassy habitat and casting our eyes skyward, we easily identified Alpine and Little Swifts as well as Barn Swallows. Many Sunbirds, most in eclipse enjoyed the nutrition provide by flowering Wild Dagga plants and a well-known lurker, the Little Rush Warbler, made a very brief appearance.
This was a most enjoyable outing. Thank you to Daryl for leading the outing.
In all, we saw 32 bird species.
Photographs by Gigi and Dennis Laidler and Penny Dichmont.
Report by Lynette de Beer.