The weather was lovely for the bird walk on Tuesday 8th March, pleasant and warm. We were a group of about 20, a few photographers, some experienced and also some beginner birders.
Early on in the walk everyone had wonderful sightings of a pair of Sombre Greenbuls as they sat, out in the open, at the top of a tree that was not too dense and leafy. We saw quite a few Cape Sugarbirds and a few Orange-breasted Sunbirds. There was one Spotted Eagle Owl on a branch above the Boomslang walkway, but, as usual, he had his back to the walkway! The other birds we saw were “all the usual suspects” and we ended the walk watching a group of Swee Waxbills bathing, which was just lovely. Unfortunately many of the group had left by this time, so missed this sighting.
We saw 22 species all told and heard a Bar-throated Apalis and an African Paradise Flycatcher too.
I would like to thank Merle Chalton and Dennis Laidler for their assistance during the walk.
Click on any of the images below to see more details.