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Kirstenbosch Bird Walk – 18 January 2017 by Felicity Ellmore.

I had fun leading the bird walk in Kirstenbosch on 18 January, in the afternoon. There was a group of 20 people, a nice combination of Bird Club members who knew the birds and could help people, Bird Club members still learning to identify birds and some overseas visitors who found every bird interesting (even a hadeda!).

The birds were very accommodating and we saw a total of 24 species, and most birds were seen by the whole group which is always satisfying. We saw a Lemon Dove in an area I’ve never seen one before, not in the forest. Some of the group (not me, unfortunately I’d walked on) saw a Brown-backed Honeybird. Other interesting sightings were a Forest Canary, a Swee waxbill and a Cape White-eye together in one of the ‘bird baths’ (water fountains), three male Sugarbirds displaying and a few raptors including a Yellow-billed Kite and two Steppe Buzzards.


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