Kirstenbosch Bird Walk – 15 March 2022 led by Kevin Drummond-Hay.

What a beautiful morning! Arriving very early at the gardens, we were able to watch the sun rise and light up the mountain in a soft warm glow. This is what gets you out and about.

The group gathered and grew to about 27 guests who had come to enjoy an early morning birding walk in the gardens and I was privileged to be leading this walk.
Our first real encounter was with a Spotted Eagle Owl in the Avenue as we turned up from the entrance gate. All had great views before we proceeded into the Garden proper.
Next was the Sombre Greenbul sitting out in the open, in wonderful sunlight, serenading the group with it’s typical “Willy” call. Soon joined by a Forest Canary on the next tree, again, enjoying the warm morning sun while an African Goshawk “chipped” overhead for everyone to see it hunting over the garden.
Southern Double-collared Sunbirds abounded and Cape Batis entertained some of the group at the Boomslang Walkway. The Spotty (Eagle Owl) was missing in action, not on his usual tree above the walkway.

Proceeding to the top of the garden we encountered Olive Woodpecker and Olive Pigeon in the same tree.
The group, once again, had great views of these birds.
The top end of the garden gave us stunning views of some splendid male Cape Sugarbirds, resplendent with their long fluttering tail feathers wooing local female Sugarbirds.
Up in the blue we had views of Black Sparrowhawk being chased by a Rufous-breasted Sparrow hawk.
Fiscal Flycatcher and Common Fiscal were also hawking insects in the vicinity as well as Speckled Mousebirds.

Dropping down into the middle section where some of the Ericas were still flowering we managed to see a lovely male Orange-breasted Sunbird among the flowers.
Off to the Dell searching for Lemon Dove, a Booted Eagle soared overhead.
The Lemon Dove was eventually located by some of the group who managed fleeting views before it flew away.
A late staying female African Paradise Flycatcher was also spotted.

All in all, 33 species were recorded including 5 different raptors for the morning and many happy walkers then headed off with coffee calling them to complete a perfect morning.

Photographs by Kevin Drummond-Hay, Linda Hibbin and others.

Report by Kevin Drummond-Hay.
Tygerberg Bird Club.



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