We did a late afternoon walk. The weather was warm to start with and then got a bit cooler as sun first went behind the clouds and then the mountain.
Unfortunately, the walk started a bit later than planned due to me getting stuck in traffic. The first half an hour or so was quiet birding wise as we walked through the enchanted forest looking for lemon doves, which decided to remain hidden.
We then made our way up to the Proteas where we found several Cape Sugarbirds who were very obliging. We also saw a few raptors, a couple of which we found challenging to positively identify – one or two had to, much to my frustration, remain as UFOs!
A pleasant surprise was a very large tortoise who made an appearance.
All in all it was a good walk with a total of 25 species recorded. Bird list is below in no particular order.
Cheryl Faull.
Bird list:
- Hadeda Ibis
- White Necked Raven
- Bar Throated Apalis – heard
- Rock Kestrel
- Sombre Greenbul – heard
- Karoo Prinia
- Cape Bulbul
- Southern Double Collard Sunbird
- Cape Canary
- Red Winged Starling
- Yellow Billed Kite
- Swee Waxbill
- Chaffinch – heard
- Egyptian Goose
- Malachite Sunbird
- Cape Spurfowl
- Helmeted Guineafowl
- Cape Sugarbird
- Common Waxbill
- Olive Thrush
- Cape Robin Chat
- Jackal Buzzard
- Dusky Flycatcher
- Black Sawwing
- Cape White Eye
Click on any of the images below to see more details.