Kirstenbosch Bird Walk – 07 December 2019 led by Cheryl Faull.

It was a pretty warm afternoon and things seemed quite quiet at first. We decided to start by looking for the owls in the trees close to Gate 1 as one goes up towards Matthew’s Rockery. With all eyes looking, one owl was finally spotted by a member of the group. It was a little hard to to tell if it was the juvenile or one of the adults as it had its back towards us.

Birding picked up as we went along and we were spoilt with beautiful views of several Cape Sugarbirds in the Protea beds. The other highlight was finding a couple Lemon Doves in the Arboretum.

Cape Spurfowl
Helmeted Guineafowl
Cape Bulbul
Olive thrush
Swee Waxbill
Karoo Prinia
Southern Double-collard Sunbird
Cape Sugarbird
Southern Boubou
Sombre Greenbul (heard)
Cape Canary
Common Chaffinch
Hadeda Ibis
Lemon Dove
Red-eyed Dove
Forest Canary
Brimstone Canary
Cape Batis
Cape Robin-chat
Egyptian Goose
Black Sawwing
Spotted Eagle Owl

species total 22

Cheryl Faull.


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