This is a working relationship with the City of Cape Town and the Zandvlei Trust.
We had a successful work party of 13 people clearing a large area of invasive shrubs in Grysbok Park. We stacked previous cut brush into large piles so it can be burned. We had 2 volunteers from Zimbabwe, Brian and Kevin who also are members of the traditional African music group Pachedu.
Bowen, Brian, Mark Arendse and David Osborne stacked branches. We also managed to cut down a number of hiding places and shelters for dubious anti social activities. Chris was in the thick of things. Fay Howa a student from Rondevlei Nature Reserve came to help today. Una Hartley filled 6 bags of litter. A German volunteer student Franziska based at the Zandvlei Nature Reserve for 3 months was also helping. Bert Bron also ‘sorted out’the cut Rooikrans branches.