Youth – Floreat Primary School Outing to Boulders Penguin Colony Simons Town – 19 May 2023.

19th of May saw a large group of excited Grades 4, 5 and 6s visiting Boulders Penguin Colony. The photos below were taken by Kristi Rossouw and colleagues and show some of the things that the children saw and did. After an unfortunately rather late arrival because of a transport issue the large group was divided into smaller groups which were led by CBC members Gillian Barnes, Michelle Vrettos and Priscilla Beeton who had prior to the event done a recce.
Michelle created a great worksheet to be completed by the children as they walked around the colony. This encouraged them to read the information boards and also to look a little more closely at both the birds and the conservation efforts at the colony to save the endangered African Penguins.

Photographs by Kristi Rossouw.

Report by by Kristi Rossouw (teacher).




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