On the 9th of December the CBC hosted an outing for a group of Floreat learners, the last of the year!
It was especially enjoyable for the Grade 7 learners who have been coming on these outings for a while but are now passing on to High School.
Jana, the Youth Education Co-ordinator, met the group of 26 learners and Floreat staff at Cecilia Forest bright and early. They then walked through to Kirstenbosch. On this walk the learners focused on learning to differentiate between moss and lichen.
In the Gardens they met up with CBC members, Priscilla Beeton and Gillian Barnes, who had transported the snacks and the binoculars for the birding activity. The learners were each provided with a snack and juice (thank you, CBC!) and then adventured off in smaller groups with a list of birds to try and find.
Unfortunately, not many birds were found due to unfavourable weather conditions, but the learners still learnt to identify some common residents such as Cape White-Eyes and Cape Bulbuls. There were lots of tired learners after a long day of walking! The bus left full of happy faces ready for a holiday.
Photographs by Jana Kemp.
Report by Jana Kemp.