This is a working partnership with Consol Head Office, the City of Cape Town and the Cape Bird Club.
Consol Head Office is over the road from Edith Stephens Nature Reserve, which was originally a Consol property. This site has a large waterbody which fluctuates with the mining process. An area to the south of the property is mine out or wont be mined and the owners have allocated it for a bird reserve.
It is situated off the R300 freeway in Manenberg. This is a new monitoring site and the data collected will help determine bird movements between Edith Stephens and Philippi Horticultural lands to the south. It has a large reed bed which may prove to be a valuable heronry roost and nesting area for other water birds.
Counts take place quarterly at 09h00.
Anyone wanting to assist should please contact;
Gerhard Bothma on 074 320 0813 or