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2018 Year of the Bird logo

National Geographic, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Audubon and BirdLife International are working together, all this year, to raise awareness and build a better world for birds.
2018 marks the centennial of one of the most powerful and important bird-protection laws ever passed; The Migratory Bird Treaty Act. It is to honour this milestone and celebrate, with a committment to protecting birds today and for the next hundred years, that 2018 is declared ‘Year of the Bird’.
Throughout the year, all partners, along with more than 50 other participating organizations, will be celebrating birds and raising awareness about the threats they face and the conservation needed, across many channels—magazines, television, social media, and more—with new editorial, content, and programs.
Follow this on the official website www.nationalgeographic.org/projects/year-of-the-bird/ or you can find out more about how you can #birdyourworld



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